Sunday, February 15, 2009

i'm glad..keep fighting...

have u ever think that.. what if u didn't meet this person?
what if u never been there? what if u never walk in to that place?
Well, if there are so many ''what if'' in your life then i wanna ask:
u got nothing else to do by just sitting there and thinking what if
this and what if that?

I'm glad i'm still alive..i'm glad i'm my mom's daughter...i'm glad
that i'm a Soka Gakkai member..i'm glad that i'm keep fighting here
.. i'm glad that i joined HAD.... and i'll continue to think that.. becuz
i'm glad to be who i am...

No matter how many bruises u have after matter how
late u work matter how mad u matter how tired u are
.. no matter how happy u matter how lonely u matter
how many problems u are having now.. no matter how... U are U..
this is the fact that never changed..this is the reason for u to be here
.. that's the way it is.. that's LIFE.. may u never forget that..

All i wanna say..i'm fighting..and i'll keep fighting..



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

one day..

someday somehow...u might realize..u are not yourself..maybe just for awhile..
heard 2 nice songs few days ago.. watched a nice and funny drama few days ago..
not happy with something few days ago.. this week is a weird week to me.. don't ask
me y.. i couldn't answer that.. maybe..i couldn't find someone to i'm here now...

sometimes..i'll just cry in the car when i'm going home from work.. i'll cry on some sad
songs.. i'll listen to the same song keep repeating all along my journey home.. don't know
y i cry..guess i'm not working hard enough for myself.. not enough for my work.. not
enough for my parents..not enough for someone.. voices inside my head.. one struggling
to be better..another one is trying to be lazy.. maybe, that's life.. maybe that's y we are
living for.. maybe that's y we are human being.. maybe..maybe... we are meant to
remind ourselves to be hardworking in everything.. fight for what is worth to fight for
.. create memorable moments everyday..every second..every minute..just like what
we did for our dance concert.. we all fight till the last..and is not the end of the show,
is just the beginning of it..

one day,u'll find how beautiful is the glad u should be to have everything
u are having now.. and i'm glad to have everything and everyone with me here..
and i'm telling that i'm still fighting for it.. i'm not a loser and i'm winning every moment..
i am...

may i never forget.. glad to be myself...
